After finishing the 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), individuals have the option to further their training by participating in our 100-hour Kids Yoga Teacher Training (KYTT) program. This program is specifically tailored to teach yoga to children between the ages of 5 and 13. Instructing yoga to youngsters is a whole another endeavor and has its own distinct array of difficulties. It is necessary to intelligently address factors such as diverse age groups, limited attention spans, and lack of seriousness towards the subject in order to effectively convey the substance of the practice to these young brains.
The Kids YTT program is specifically designed to provide future teachers with the essential skills and knowledge to comprehend the unique needs of each child and effectively meet those needs. The program aims to create an environment where children feel comfortable and gradually develop a genuine enjoyment for the learning process, seamlessly integrating it into their young lives to ensure a promising future.
Course Duration & Schedule
At Hathavidya we have a series of 5 children's yoga books published under our own in-house publication, 'Thapobhoomi"
These are:-
1. Drops
2. Blossom
3. In the mould
4. Progress
5. Metamorphosis
Level-wise planning of the books listed above allows children to begin at the beginning and work their way up to the end. Every book has a main character and is designed to keep the youngster engaged in both the asana and pranayama practice as well as the enjoyable, interactive learning of different yogic ideas.
Course Duration & Schedule
1. Yoga Alliance International accredited 2. Total duration 3months, spread over 12weekends 3. Course material is supplied, which includes our children's series books, notebook, pen, uniform 4. Access to workshops conducted in the duration of the course 5. Special offer for retreats 6. Free subscription to our quarterly E- Magazine 7. Placement opportunity in all our centres across the globe (conditions apply) Overview of the course curriculum- 1. Kids specific asanas are taught not only practically, but also with the help of step by step line drawings, which is a very engaging way to teach kids, enable the asana to be set in their minds
Suitability and Considerations for this Course
Theory sessions explaining how and why teaching kids is different as compared to adults, and the pertinent points to be remembered keeping in mind their growing bodies and minds 3. Fun conceptual games that engage kids and increase their focus and concentration and broaden their thinking 4. Sanskrit names of the asanas with their meanings while weaving fantasy or historical stories around them, making them relatable to kids. Thus the KYTT course is for those who want to have a hand in teaching this timeless science to kids, and want to get to know an authentic and safe way to do it. This will aid not only in the overall development of the children, but also make them into responsible all-rounder adults.